My LightWand Review
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My LightWand Review
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I purchased my LightWands on July 6th of 2001. When I first saw them I thought "gee, these look kinda cheap". But then when I turned them on, WOW!!!! Boy, was I wrong! Talk about pure, bright colors! You have NEVER seen anything like this, anywhere. It's like having your own personal & portable light show!!

Image ~ Copyright (c) 2001, ColorKinetics.~  Used w/ permission, via  CKSAUCE.COM  website.

The LightWand in action... Doing it's thing...
(actually MUCH brighter than this animation)

The Lightwand is roughly the same size and shape of a chemical "glowstick", ( 6 and 1/2" long by 5/8" diameter ) you know the cheap plastic tube you snap and shake, and you get a green or any other weak , temporary light,  that only lasts for about 6-8  hours, then you throw them away at the end of the night, wishing you could save them for another time...

Well, your wish now comes true with the introduction of the Sauce!LightWand, by Color Kinetics. The LightWand uses 3 very bright and colorful LED's ( light emitting diodes) in red, green and blue that won't burn out or never need replacing, and operates on a single "AA" battery. If well taken care of, it should last 10 YEARS!!---Yes, that's correct, 10 YEARS!!
Once you see the LightWand in action, you will NEVER use a chemical glowstick EVER again!! It has four distinct and unique functions: ---->
*(1) Color Wash- smoothly cycles through the all colors in the rainbow.
*(2) Random Color- flashes any one of 30 possible colors.
*(3) Fixed Color - choose any single favorite color you want, by simply pressing the button until you find your favorite color, up to 30 shades!
*(4) Strobe Light - all 3 LED's blend to emit a  bluish-white strobe light effect - very, very, cool : )

Also, to change the speed of a certain effect, all you do is press and hold the button until the unit momentarily blinks, then release it until you find the speed you like. Has a possibility of over 20 unique functions. Plus 2 special "hidden" Holiday Themes!! Let's see a chemical glow stick do THAT!
(All NEW LightWands now have 3 " Hidden Effects".)

This NEW club toy is definitely an ATTENTION getter!!
The single button used to control everything means the wand can be fully opearated by a single finger - No need to hold it with both hands or to fiddle with multiple buttons, switches or worse.
The LightWand will also turn off automatically after 10 minutes of disuse ( actually after you choose the effect you want to use ) preserving battery life. This feature is great for ravers who might forget to turn it off, therefore draining the battery. The package states battery life s should last approximately 30 hours of intermitten use.
The Sauce! LightWand appears to be solidly built, BUT like any fine electronic device, you should try your best not to drop it or whack it against any hard surface - like your head or a giant floor speaker.
The way it's designed, ravers will want to spin it ---> Link --->(Poi) around on it's enclosed lanyard - it seems to take this well, but it is much heavier than a regular glowstick, but DO NOT let it hit anything or you will very likely break it. It is also not water resistant, so great care should be taken to not use it in the rain , near a pool, or a fountain. All in all, this is a GREAT rave and club toy. Buy yours today. Available at, & (Micro LightWand ).